Subaru Fun Box Challenge - Beach

Eight family activities to enjoy at the beach all year round

Subaru Fun Box Challenge - Beach

Planning fun family activities can be challenging when the weather turns wintery, but getting your kids out and away from their devices for a trip to the beach doesn't just have to be a summer activity. 

Your next adventure is only a car ride away with a Subaru, where the journey is just as fun as the destination. A few years back we sent the Donaldson family off in a Subaru Forester, so the family could enjoy a fun-filled day at one of New Zealand's beautiful beaches.

They were armed with a few simple supplies to make the most of their day at the beach, no matter what the weather. You can recreate their day with your family with eight ways to enjoy a beach adventure.

You will need:

  • Towels
  • Buckets and spades
  • Rope
  • Tennis balls
  • Spoons
  • Journals and coloured pencils or felt pens
Subaru Fun Box Challenge - Beach

1. The fun starts in the car

On the way to the beach, play this game in your car: Someone picks a letter and the first person to spot the letter (in a sign, on a number plate, etc) wins! If you've got young kids, you can start with the easy letters, then make them trickier. Eye spy is another game that younger kids love and you can play with spying colours instead of letters for little ones. 

2. Make a fort

Once you've arrived at the beach, find sticks on the beach and use rope or string to create a roof with towels, then decorate with seaweed or shells. A fort will also keep your family sun safe and shelter for the rest of the day!

Subaru Fun Box Challenge - Beach bowls

3. Beach bowls

Digging is always a crowd favourite, so turn it into a game! Get the kids digging to play a fun game of beach bowls.
Dig three holes in the sand and have the kids roll their ball towards the hole, the first person to get the ball in wins.
Make the holes various widths or distances away for an added challenge!

4. Beach art

Bring out the inner artist in everyone with some beach art. Collect a few items from around the beach like shells, seaweed, sticks and stones, and have your kids create beach art. They can make seahorses or fish shapes, or create a 2D version of their dream beach castle.

5. Sand 'n' spoon race

Find a few shells and scoop up a spoonful of dry sand onto a dessert spoon and place a shell on top of it, then have the kids race from one line to another without knocking the shell off.

Subaru fun box challenge - spoon race

6. Beach jenga

Using only items you find at the beach, Create your own version of the classic kids' game Jenga, with items like driftwood and stones.

7. Beach journal

Document the day by giving each of your children a notebook to record their day at the beach. They could draw pictures of the beach, describe what they see in the rock pools or take photos of any wildlife and then write about them.

8. Get the family talking

On the ride home get the family talking about what their favourite part about the day was. What was their biggest surprise? Who made the most creative beach art? What activities would they add next time? Ask them to share their ideas on where you could all go together next. Favourite movies, songs or books are also great conversation starters.

Subaru Fun box challenge - Subaru Forester

Start your family adventure today!

The beach is a great family destination all year round with plenty of different activities to keep everyone entertained. Your next beach adventure is only a car ride away, and perfect for day trips even in the Autumn weather. Take the next generation Subaru Forester on your next family trip to the beach to make the journey just as fun as the destination itself. Named New Zealand’s Car of the Year in 2018 due to its combination of game-changing safety technology and family-friendly design, a road trip in the Forester is the adventure your family has been waiting for. 

Find our more about the Subaru Forester here. 

Check out our full SUV range here to find the SUV to suit your lifestyle and help you do extra with your day.

Download the Subaru Fun Box family planner for your next beach excursion!


*2019 Forester Shown in Images